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    I know quite a few folks here use this IDE, what I’m wondering is how well suited is it for straight PHP or HTML/CSS/JS development? Beyond sytax hilighting what do you get when using other languages than Java? Can you use SVN integration for storing static websites in Subversion? How about snippets or templates for commonly used code bits such as DHTML menus, etc.? Any input is appreciated, or recommendations for other editors that do fit the bill, thanks!
      • 28042 ☆ A M B ☆
      • 24,524 Posts
      I’m sorry to say that I’m too much a creature of habit and haven’t really started to use it to its full potential, but I do know it handles Subversion just fine, and has a bunch of plug-ins for just about anything you can imagine; there’s even a game plugin somebody made just to demonstrate how flexible it is. Some of the plugins don’t work on a Mac; most of them are for Windows or Linux installations.

      I guess it’s time I got the latest and greatest version of it and some plugins and take the time to learn to use it properly.
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        • 4673
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        Is this the "eclipse" from IBM?
          Tangent-Warrior smiley
          • 28042 ☆ A M B ☆
          • 24,524 Posts
          Indeed it is, and it has flown far since leaving the nest. Very impressive example of the power of Open Source!
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            • 22303 MODX Staff
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            I have to say, I’ve been using Eclipse for the past three years; the majority of the time when working with various Java/J2EE projects, and the past few months I’ve decided to try out the latest PHPeclipse plugins and use it instead of Dreamweaver for all my development now. I never used any of the visual designer stuff in Dreamweaver anyway; just liked whatever context sensitive language features could help me remember function names, variable names, and other details of the source code I was writing.

            I first started using an IDE like this when IntelliJ IDEA was released about 4 years ago, and improved my J2EE productivity 10 fold. Now I feel the same way with regard to my as of yet still green PHP skills. It tells me when I make dumb mistakes, which saves me a great amount of time (since i tend to make a few of those every now and again).

            In any case, with the release of the Eclipse 3 series, I have been totally converted to Eclipse, since I can’t afford IntelliJ and don’t do any J2EE work at the moment, though even if I could and did, I probably would still pick Eclipse, since it is such an open platform for any developer in just about any language.

            Auto source formatting, syntax and other error highlighting, contextual type-ahead menus for objects, functions, variables, and more, code templates for common snippets and starting points, HTML Tidy plugins, PHP debugging, etc. The PHPeclipse extensions are necessary to get all this in PHP pages, but it also includes HTML, CSS, and JS support, and on and on...

            I definitely recommend giving it a try, expecting a bit of a learning curve -- but once you get the hang of it, you’ll be wondering how you ever developed without it.
              • 4673
              • 577 Posts
              Sounds very interesting ... I’ve stopped by the site a few times but I got the impression it was only java related ...
              hmmm ... I wonder if this is why Apple released their WebObjects code into the wild .... from $50,000 to free!

              I use BBEdit all of the time but wouldn’t mind a spell checker like option like you mentioned in regards to picking up those duh mistakes smiley

              hehe, gonna have to take a look again!

                Tangent-Warrior smiley
                • 28150
                • 155 Posts
                Quote from: Carsten at Jun 25, 2005, 05:43 PM

                Sounds very interesting ... I’ve stopped by the site a few times but I got the impression it was only java related ...
                hmmm ... I wonder if this is why Apple released their WebObjects code into the wild .... from $50,000 to free!

                I use BBEdit all of the time but wouldn’t mind a spell checker like option like you mentioned in regards to picking up those duh mistakes smiley

                hehe, gonna have to take a look again!


                Another reason to go Eclipse:

                I just found out someone FINALLY is working on developing an IDE for Ruby on Rails!!!


                  • 25663 MODX Staff
                  • 12,272 Posts
                  Ruby... bah! (Rails is really cool, though) smiley
                    Ryan Thrash, MODX Co-Founder
                    Follow me on Twitter at @rthrash or catch my occasional unofficial thoughts at thrash.me
                    • 28150
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                    Quote from: rthrash at Jul 08, 2005, 05:06 PM

                    Ruby... bah! (Rails is really cool, though) smiley

                    I’m begining to fall in love with RoR...Now with all of the AJAX integration, it is going to make rapid development fun and easy.

                    Someday soon, programming will become a drag and drop experience laugh
                      • 28042 ☆ A M B ☆
                      • 24,524 Posts
                      Sort of like painting is just a dip and daub experience?

                      There are two schools of thought on programming, art or science; I maintain it’s between, just like Art is partly science (color theory, etc) but still mostly Art. There are some very pretty Paint by Number kits, but Monet they ain’t!

                      The decent, workable stuff can be pure "science", but the brilliant, really great stuff will always have that extra touch of Art.
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