Quote from: Carsten at Jun 08, 2005, 03:56 AM
ahhh, thanks!
Now I wonder how this would/could apply to modx?
I can see what scottwell is saying and I agree with her. Now as to how it will be applied... that’s something we will have to think about. But the end result will be very cool
Just wondering would a GPL and an artistic licence have problems being in the same package?
☆ A M B ☆
- 24,524 Posts
Author: Justin Vincent ([email protected])
Web: http://php.justinvincent.com
Name: ezSQL
Desc: Class to make it very easy to deal with database connections.
License: FREE / Donation (LGPL - You may do what you like with ezSQL - no exceptions.)
eh? I read the added file and it was artistic. Hmmm, should have looked at the actual code files.
Nice catch!
heheh, I can start my studies now hopefully!
☆ A M B ☆
- 24,524 Posts
Ran across this...a bit over my head, but it seems like it could be useful