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    Found this cool info and movie on what Tibco (and a recently acquired subsidiary named General Interface) are doing with Ajax and DHTML. This should inspire us a bit for future manager improvements. undecided


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        This AJAX stuff seems incredibly interesting. I honestly hadn’t heard of it until you all started talking about it. Now, it looks as if vbulletin is also using a bunch of AJAX for inline moderation as well.

        Quick Question: Is there an AJAX equivalent to dynamicdrive.com? Like a site with a bunch of opensource examples, etc?

          • 28150
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          Quote from: SpeedStreet at Jun 06, 2005, 05:28 PM

          This AJAX stuff seems incredibly interesting. I honestly hadn’t heard of it until you all started talking about it. Now, it looks as if vbulletin is also using a bunch of AJAX for inline moderation as well.

          Quick Question: Is there an AJAX equivalent to dynamicdrive.com? Like a site with a bunch of opensource examples, etc?

          In answering my own question, I found a really interesting site the builds forms: http://www.formassembly.com/

          Perhaps a new way to manipulate TVs?
            • 32963
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            Quote from: SpeedStreet at Jun 06, 2005, 05:42 PM

            In answering my own question, I found a really interesting site the builds forms: http://www.formassembly.com/

            Perhaps a new way to manipulate TVs?

            This a very cool library. I think we can wrap the Form builder into a module to be used from within the manager. The form builder would save and load forms as chunks.

              The fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom:
              MODx Co-Founder - Create and do more with less.
              • 32963
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              I also think there’s a mail form builder in the works, correct?

                The fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom:
                MODx Co-Founder - Create and do more with less.
                • 28042 ☆ A M B ☆
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                I have to say at this point that while this is all very nice, the biggest problem I have (whether or not DHTML is involved) is the lack of a good database abstraction layer for handling the back-end processing! I’m badly spoiled by having used the ez_sql library for a while now, and often spend a lot of time trying to debug something that simply won’t update only to realize I’d automatically used one of those functions!


                I do believe that once I get this STUPID!!! document management system working correctly (and looking good at the same time), I’m going to go to work on converting the copy of modx I’ve already modified for multilanguage sites to using that library; there’s several way to do that, I’m trying hard not to think about it too much right now. I’ve already gotten sidetracked enough on this project.
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                  What’s this library you referring too? ez_sql huh?
                    Tangent-Warrior smiley
                    • 28042 ☆ A M B ☆
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                    ? ezSQL is a widget that makes it very fast and easy for you to use database(s) within your PHP scripts ( mySQL / Oracle8/9 / InterBase/FireBird / PostgreSQL / MS-SQL / SQLite / SQLite c++).

                    ? It is one php file that you include at the top of your script. Then, instead of using standard php database functions listed in the php manual, you use a much smaller (and easier) set of ezSQL functions.

                    ? It automatically caches query results and allows you to use easy to understand functions to manipulate and extract them without causing extra server overhead

                    ? It has excellent debug functions making it lightning-fast to see what?s going on in your SQL code

                    ? Most ezSQL functions can return results as Objects, Associative Arrays, or Numerical Arrays

                    ? It can dramatically decrease development time and in most cases will streamline your code and make things run faster as well as making it very easy to debug and optimise your database queries.

                    ? It is a small class and will not add very much overhead to your website.

                    How about
                    // Select multiple records from the database and print them out..
                    $users = $db->get_results("SELECT name, email FROM users");
                    foreach ( $users as $user )
                                // Access data using object syntax
                                echo $user->name;
                                echo $user->email;


                    foreach ( $db->get_col("SELECT name,email FROM users",0) as $name )
                                echo $name;


                    // Get one variable from the database and print it out..
                    $var = $db->get_var("SELECT count(*) FROM users");
                    echo $var;

                    I love it. And, it’s still under active development; he keeps it up-to-date. I’m on his email list and get mail every time he updates it and its fellow class, ez_results. The tutorial he wrote when he first developed it is still floating around several sites on the Internet
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                      ahhh, thanks!

                      Now I wonder how this would/could apply to modx?
                        Tangent-Warrior smiley