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  • After years in development, thousands of hours and over a million dollars in bootstrapped funds, we are proud to announce the release of MODx Revolution 2.0.

    What’s New

    MODx Revolution is a completely new MODx. It retains the soul of what makes MODx a great platform for building custom websites and rich applications, while enabling you to do more and to do them better.  

    MODx Revolution 2.0 is more powerful, can handle high-volume sites, and offers the ability to handle multiple sites and subdomains from one install.

    There are too many new features and improvements in MODx Revolution to list every single one, so here are some we think you’ll love. You can find out more by trying it out or by reviewing the changelog.

    • MODx Revolution 2.0 can be used on much larger and expansive sites as it boasts  better site performance from an all new caching system with fine grained options to cache any Element (or not if you need it that way). In addition you can override the default caching and use large-scale caching methods like Memcached.
    • Extend or override any part of the MODx core including System Settings, Users, Language, Sessions and much more. This enables you to safely extend core features and integrate with other applications and maintain a clean upgrade path.
    • Developers can create redistributable add-ons, or an entire MODx Distributions using Transport Packages.
    • Assign different views of your site based on almost any criteria using Contexts.  Contexts provides a simple way to have native multi-sites, subdomains or even securely running the MODx core outside of webroot.
    • Developers now have access to better error tracking and debugging capabilities through Core Logging. It provides various error levels and output targets including ECHO, HTML, and FILE. You can also use it in add-ons for audit logs, error logs, debugging, or other logging needs.
    • Unified, simpler MODx Tags now support multi-line tag calls for better readability in development, calling of cached tags within other cached tags, and allows native and custom modifiers to be attached to any Element (Snippet, Chunk, TV, Etc.) similar to PHx did in Evolution but far more efficiently.
    • The Manager is MODx. The new Manager for MODx is built using the MODx API, ExtJS from Sencha, and Smarty templates, as a demonstration of the new core and API.
    • Web users and Manager users are now Users that can be grouped and assigned fine grained access and permissions. The User system can be extended to provide external authentication and handle additional user record information via the API. Completely new user system - all permissions are now handled via a robust, Attribute Based Access Control (ABAC) security model.
    • Property Sets allow you to change all your the properties for Snippet calls in various locations across your entire site from a single location in the manager. Create a Property Set, assign it, and then manage all the calls in one  location.
    • Properties are available to all Element types including Chunks, TVs, Templates and Plugins.
    • Manage and customize your MODx Lexicons — the language records for things like labels, event notices and more for local, industrial or regional terminology, all from within the Lexicon Manager.
    • Install Add-ons and custom Transport Packages from MODx using the Package Manager. Open the Package Manager and search for available addons or your own private addon repository.
    • Manage files on the filesystem (even outside of webroot) within the Manager using Static Resources.
    • Create exact clones of other resources in your site tree in as many places as you'd like with Symlink Resources.

    Get It
    Download it now at http://modxcms.com/download/

    Learn About It
    You can read the documentation and learn more about MODx Revolution 2.0 here: http://rtfm.modx.com/display/revolution20/

    One of the best ways to build your understanding of MODx Revolution is to ask questions and help others by answering questions in the forums. If you are new to MODx you’ll be surprised at how friendly and amazing the people in the forums are. Head to the MODx forums.

    Help Us Make It Better
    MODx Revolution 2.0 is an Open Source software project and what makes Open Source work is when people who use it contribute and make it better. One of the easiest ways for you to contribute is to tell us about bugs or issues.

    Stay Up to Date
    If you want to stay up do date with what is happening with MODx, make sure you subscribe to the MODx Newsletter. [ed. note: smashingred last edited this post 12 years, 4 months ago.]
      Ryan Thrash, MODX Co-Founder
      Follow me on Twitter at @rthrash or catch my occasional unofficial thoughts at thrash.me
    • A special thanks goes out to Jason and Shaun who’ve poured so much into this. Raise a glass to them and here’s to the future of MODx! Thank you two from the bottom of my heart.
        Ryan Thrash, MODX Co-Founder
        Follow me on Twitter at @rthrash or catch my occasional unofficial thoughts at thrash.me