MODX Staff
- 2,502 Posts
Share your ideas and thoughts to expand on Everett’s presentation on MODx Security.
Author of zero books. Formerly of many strange things. Pairs well with meats. Conversations are magical experiences. He's dangerous around code but a markup
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MODX Staff
- 12,272 Posts
Great presentation Everett. Wonderful meeting you in person and hanging out for a bit. Hope to do it again soon!
Ryan Thrash, MODX Co-Founder
Follow me on Twitter at @rthrash or catch my occasional unofficial thoughts at thrash.me
☆ A M B ☆
- 2,213 Posts
I’ll second Ryan’s motion it was great to meet you in person! As for your slideshow I have pictures of most if not all of it that will be posted in the very near future.
☆ A M B ☆
- 2,475 Posts
Thanks -- It was really a great experience putting faces with the names!
Hey, certainly as every one over here said it was such a great experience on its own. It was a once in a lifetime chance to be at the presentation. I think I have been lucky to attend it. I must congratulate you for that Everett. Thanks a lot for that.
☆ A M B ☆
- 2,475 Posts
Thanks Aldrin (blush). Shouts out to the guys at MODx for making it all possible. I’m looking forward to the next Expo!
Speaking of which, is there a date and location for the next Expo?