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    • 27708 MODX Staff
    • 2,502 Posts
    The MODX Community is one of the best Open Source software communities there is. There has been a growing number of requests and inquiries about organizing meetups and user groups. This forum’s aim is to allow people to form local groups and arrange meetups in specific areas. Start organizing your user group and event.

    Topic Titles
    As a suggestion for topic titles I’d use the following format:

    • Dallas Area Meetup
    • West London, UK User Group
    • Prague Meetup
    • London, Ontario, Canada Meetup

    They don’t need to be exactly in that format but it would make sense to include the type of organization be it a meetup or user group. Make sure people will have an idea of the real location and avoid confusion where possible i.e. London, Ontario Canada and London, UK.

    First Post
    In the first post try to include the aim or goal whether it is to just socialize and talk about MODX, to promote MODX or to share experience in MODX etc. It might also be good to have a few location suggestions for your meetup or user group meeting.

    To our international language specific forum moderators, please feel free to translate this post and contact me to create a new board for Meetups and User Groups if you need assistance.

    Thinking of hosting a bigger event?
    Please contact me via PM to open a discussion on that. More information on that soon.

    Organize your local meetup or user group today.

    Jay Gilmore
    Dir. Channel & Community
      Author of zero books. Formerly of many strange things. Pairs well with meats. Conversations are magical experiences. He's dangerous around code but a markup magician. BlogTwitterLinkedInGitHub

    This discussion is closed to further replies. Keep calm and carry on.