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    This tips permit to modify your site colors as easy as modify only one chunk (one per color), it display the color palette in the chunks list.
    Requirement :
    use of CSS (normally done with all really web developper :p)
    don’t serve CSS as external file, you can serve CSS as document like explained http://modxcms.com/forums/index.php/topic,4201.0.html"" target="_blank" rel="nofollow">here
    or use chunk, snippet, TV ...

    First we create one chunk per color used:
    ressources-new chunk:
    name of the chunk:enter the name of the color: color1 or bright-blue or whatever you want.
    description of the chunk:type this: #D4D0C8<span style=’background-color:#D4D0C8’>______</span>
    Use single quote in version before 0.9.5 because double breaks the display.
    In the 0.9.5 version double quote : " work well.
    replace all the #D4D0C8 with your color value: rgb name or web color name (white, pink, black ...)
    source of the chunk:enter the color in css format :rgb (#ffffff, #aabbee) or name or web color name (white, pink, black ...)

    In your CSS :
    You use your chunks color defined early and insert them as usually:
    [tt]h1 {
    color: {{the_name_of_the_chunk}} ;
    background-color: {{the_name_of_another_chunk}} ;

    The easy editing
    In the ressources - chunk page you can see the name of the chunk (to be inserted), the color value and a small background with the color. (See the following image.)
    I keep a page with my chunks list and an other to edit my CSS.
    Now if you want to modify a color you just need to edit the desired chunk color and all your site will follow. (don’t forget to edit the chunk’s description)
    PS: In 0.9.5 MODx version, you will be able to group your chunks, so the list don’t become too long.

    You can use this for css fonts too.
    Hope this can help.
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