So, after long than I care to admit, I found something out that may help others.
When using the NewsPublisher snippet with a chunk, if you’re having problems, remove any whitespace after defining the chunk.
This works: [[NewsPublisher? &formtpl=ChunkName]]
This doesn’t: [[NewsPublisher? &formtpl=ChunkName ]]
I ran into this problem because I’m in the habit of putting spaces in between all my variables, like this: [[NewsPublisher? &folder=33 &template=AccessWebCourse &showinmenu=1 &aliastitle=1 &clearcache=1 &formtpl=CourseAdd ]]
That extra little space took me too long to figure out! Hopefully my wasted time will save somebody else
Anybody have any idea if that’s how it should be, or if the NewsPublisher could be written to fix that?