I seriously apologize for being so late to this thread, I would never have seen it - if not for Google.
It seems to me, the implementation utilized here may have been the hard one.
Contexts are isolated entities and are typically used autonomously.
It may have been much simpler to:
- Create one Context to create the entire site and the "so called" subdomains.
- Use a control panel (or directly adding redirects to .htaccess) to bounce the visitor to top level categories (even lower is possible) based on the sub.domain.
In essence, if you need a user to have access across all Contexts, it may have been better to not use Contexts in the first place.
If you actually want them to have access to a group of sites and be logged into them all, you could always have a Snippet called to make sure all authenticated users have the correct Contexts listed in their $_SESSION, by first grabbing a list of available Context Names available in your MODX installation, removing the "mgr" and injecting the rest via the API.
I believe you can also, create a similar Snippet which outputs a comma delimited string and call Login with:
If your Snippet writing skills are not up to the task, then cheat and create a Chunk with the list of Contexts as they are added to the site and change the call to:
With the Context Names in the Chunk as Context1,Context2,Context3....
I believe you could always place your list in the Login call....
These ideas are off the top of my head, but should be feasible.