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    • 30498
    • 30 Posts
    Admin (default manager account) should not have to deal with some modules. That’s what other manager users with another role should be doing.

    Access permissions
    the modules that should be handeld by submanagers are assigned to those submanagers.
    the permission checkbox for ’Admin’ is unchecked.

    For submanagers all is well. They only get to see and run ’their’ modules. However, the module tab still exits and can even be run by Admin. Exactly what i want to avoid.


    • I would recommend that you set up a different user group and role for the things that you think the "admin" should be able to see. You need the "god" account... That should be your login, with unrestricted access. Everyone else could be granted lesser permissions.
        • 30498
        • 30 Posts
        Yes. I figured that would work. It’s just that if i uncheck the Admin from access permissions i expect Admin to not be bothered with the modules. But it could be the god status of this chap preventing the modules from hiding themselves when the boss is looking grin