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  • (I can’t believe I zipped up an empty folder and uploaded it! Here’s the real thing.)

    Here is a template that can be just about anything you like, depending on the CSS file. I’ve included four basic CSS files, one to make a three-column layout, one a single-column layout, and two two-column layouts with the sidebar on the right or on the left.

    The CSS files are very simple, just enough to give the idea of how the template works. Add your own background images, adjust colors and sizes as you like.

    This template system was inspired by the following:


    For those of you not familiar with csszengarden, all of the different versions that you can view are done in CSS only. The HTML file cannot be changed at all. It is the same HTML file as used for the csszengarden home page.

    As I develop them, I will add bundles of CSS files with images to use with this template.
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