Quote from: sottwell at Aug 29, 2014, 02:49 AMI have had serious problems with sites on Hostgator with alarming frequency lately. I'm almost to the point of refusing to take on a job when I find out that's the hosting provider.
And I have never had any success with any of the one-click installers. That's not a feature of the hosting provider anyway, it's part of whatever third-party installer they use, such as Scriptaculous.
Sorry to hear you're been having issues with them, what are the issues maybe someone here will be able to assist you?
If you're considering a new provider away from them feel free to reach out to me, we would be happy to offer you with a free migration

Alex A. -
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I've never used Hostgator myself, just worked with clients using them. I use the MODX Cloud and SkyToaster for my own sites.
And I should be fair and say that I usually only end up working with sites that are in trouble already, so there are probably lots of MODX sites working quite happily on Hostgator. I've just never dealt with one.
I did a full review of InMotion Hosting, which you can read here. However, I wanted to specifically look at InMotion Hosting vs. HostGator.