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    I want to be totally honest. I am not a coder and I was under the impression (from web literature) that MODX was simple to use for none coders. Modx literature atually says that somewhere.
    I have got modx working on Apache locahost but I’m up against a brick wall because the page editing seems to be set up for coders.

    I usually use design software (serif) and all I wanted to do was find a way to include pages into the sites I design which can be accessed by the people I design sites for.

    Mainly in order to set up customised shop pages where clients can update new stock and remove stock sold without having to go through me. Because that’s what they want and need.

    I was lead to CMS by a number of people and it sounded good.

    I did some research and my understanding of the selling literature was that I would be able to customise a CMS page and then add a gallery to it which car sales rooms/ clubs etc would be able to edit with a user log on. And all this without any coding (PHP, PERL etc) experience.

    Can anyone advise me?

    Ps. I looked at the ecommerce sites available but they all seem to contain checkout systems and buttons which are unremovable. All I want/need is to be able to have a picture gallery inserted into a page and allow the owner of the site to edit the picture gallery. Serif does not allow for this.
    • MODx requires coding skills (html/css) to get things setup as desired. It’s targeted more towards designers/developers who wish to have direct control over the code used in the design of sites. If you have no coding skills you can get others to help you setup things, but it’s not a simple plug and play system.

      Once the site is setup adding/removing pages and content is rather simple for the client. I’ve been able to get some clients up to speed with just a few short emails so the interface isn’t hard on the end user(s).

      You might find these sites of some use: http://bobsguides.com/porting-your-site-to-modx.html http://codingpad.maryspad.com/

        Patrick | Server Wrangler
        About Me: Website | TweetsMODX Hosting
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        See this: http://svn.modxcms.com/docs/display/MODx096/Manager+Users
        You can restrict the manager for your clients.
          @hawproductions | http://mrhaw.com/

          Infograph: MODX Advanced Install in 7 steps:

          Recap: Portland, OR (PDX) MODX CMS Meetup, Oct 6, 2015. US Bancorp Tower