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    Hello all:

    We are currently trying to optimize our site by adding Meta data (title, descriptions, keywords). However, when we run it against an optimizer (Bruce Clay, www.bruceclay.com) it shows a serious error, that the page’s title comes AFTER the meta data (see source below), making the meta data irrelevant.

    <meta name="keywords" content="words" />
    <meta name="description" content="words" />
    <title>Title of page</title>...

    All of the <head> information is in a chunk we insert into each template. In that chunk, the <title> tag is the first thing after the <head> tag.

    That being said, is there a way I can insert the the meta data (as a chunk, maybe?) so that I can place it where I need it (after the <title> tag)? I will say that we have an IMMENSE amount of meta data, so it really can’t be done easily on a page by page basis.