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  • There’s some changes taking place around MODx that we hope will work for the better of the community at large:

    User bans and prohibited email addresses
    If you’re trying to register an account from certain free email hosting services, you may get a banned message. The reason for this is because a large number of spam posts took place from these domains.

    In addition, there’s recently been an issue with a certain forum member that was warned multiple times via PM (at least 3 and probably several more times over the past few months) for making posts that were sophomoric, vulgar, inflammatory, completely baseless, reeked of help-vampirism, or typically a combination thereof. In the end, the user was consuming too much time from the core team, was deemed to be a net-negative drain and bad representation of the community.

    In order to help everyone focus their efforts on making positive progress towards the next release rather than dealing with a consistent "thorn", we decided to remove the issue. After much internal deliberation, the team concluded it was in the project’s best interest to ban the member. It was not an easy decision to make or one made flippantly. We will consider lifting the ban after the next version release, but it’s honestly not a likely to happen. If you feel you need to discuss this further, please do so with a team member via PM.

    Forum Guidelines
    They’ve been updated. Basically, the gist of it is to make mature, non-inflamatory posts. The occasional joke or friendly jibe is fine. Consistently doing so puts you on shakey ground. Try to search for answers before asking questions that have been answered many times (google with "site:modxcms.com/forums/ your search here" for best results). Treat folks with respect, and think before you type (and try to stay on topic). We’ve got too large and too growing a community to not treat each other respectfully.

    When is the next release?
    We’re making headway. We’re processing the bugtracker and nailing down the feature set. You can gauge our progress by checking out the public SVN. We will be making a public beta/release candidate release this month.
      Ryan Thrash, MODX Co-Founder
      Follow me on Twitter at @rthrash or catch my occasional unofficial thoughts at thrash.me