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    • 4 Posts
    What I want to make sure I understand correctly is this:

    A web site I am working on is comprised of 4 main sections. Access to section 1 is open to everyone without having to log in. Access to the other 3 sections require a user to login and to be given access to that section. Permission is a cumulative thing. What I mean is that if I give a user access to view section 2 he cannot access section 3 and 4. If I give the user access to section 3, he automatically has access to section 2 as well. Similarly if I give a user access to section 4, the user automatically has access to section 2 and 3 as well.

    All this to say, using web groups I can set this type of access? (Note this is not editor access but access to the pages themselves for browsing purposes).

    Thank you

    • Your assumption is correct... 3 groups plus public.
        Ryan Thrash, MODX Co-Founder
        Follow me on Twitter at @rthrash or catch my occasional unofficial thoughts at thrash.me