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    • 25663 MODX Staff
    • 12,272 Posts
    Without any semblance of trying to be clever or eloquent, here’s the synopsis:

    • Bug fixes. Lots of ’em.
    • More recent and stable FCKeditor.
    • QuickEdit – amazing stuff for editing content from the front end of sites when you have a manager session started (log into manager then launch site to see it in action assuming properly enabled [*#content*] tags)
    • Additional events for developers
    • NewsPublisher, UserComments and NewsFeed (RSS2) snippets for "mini-blog" goodness. Create new posts and pages in the system with properly-permissioned web users.
    • FileCabinet snippet for document management and adding from the front end.

    You’ll also find a PDF and a Word doc for the new snippets documentation. Pick your favorite version and enjoy!

    NOTE: You must be a registered user and logged in in order to download files or see images in this forum only. All other Topics/parents allow posting and viewing images by default.

    Click here to download the main files and click the little links below for the documentation.

      Ryan Thrash, MODX Co-Founder
      Follow me on Twitter at @rthrash or catch my occasional unofficial thoughts at thrash.me
      • 33337
      • 3,975 Posts
      Here are the new archives, tested on 2 PCs

      I hope now it works !


        Zaigham R - MODX Professional | Skype | Email | Twitter

        Digging the interwebs for #MODX gems and bringing it to you. modx.link

      This discussion is closed to further replies. Keep calm and carry on.