Hello All,
It occurred to me that over time there must have been many great threads and solutions posted on the MODx forum over the years. I bet a lot of you have created bookmarks from some of these gems as well.
So, how about this:
Lets see some of your favorite bookmarks that you have saved and have served you well.
Stuff like:
* Great solutions to problems
* Specific snippet calls that you found indispensable
* Great MODx sites
* Tutorials
* Stuff that made you realize "I didn’t know you could do that..."
* General reference material you just wanted to have archived
I am sure that reprising some of this content might prove useful to members....
I have 100’s of them!
I will upload them on google bookmarks manually (I refuse to install toolbar)
then I can search/categorise them and export the thing as an html.page!
Then I will post the link here - If I remember
The forum search and google [ searchword site:modxcms.com ] rocks
I have way to many to even think about. I use google bookmarks to organize them and to search them as well. Just to give you an idea I have @ 15 categories for MODx bookmarks and I still can’t keep them organized.
I will see if I can pick a few favorites.
Good stuff...
I know there are several ways of searching for things, but...
My thought was that there must be a bunch of folks who have good bookmark folders. And I bet some were glad they created these bookmarks. While long lists might be useful I was thinking that people showing their favorites might be a good thing. Kind of like a personal "best of MODx Forum" highlight reel. Sometimes information gems might not always rise to the surface and this exercise might remind people of great threads that offered a lot of MODx value. It might be a good resource for such bookmarks to see the light of day again.
When I was in university I remember struggling with certain subjects and I remember receiving some great advice about seeking out old textbooks that covered the same subject. This I did. I bought old calculus books for cheap but just reading them (often presented with a different approach) made me understand the material better.
My hunch is that some of your bookmarks contain those "aha!!!" moments that could be of real value to others who are busy wrapping their heads around MODx in general.
I have tons of them but not in "normal" bookmark form. I use the FF addon Scrapbook. They are organised by resource type - snippet, plugin, etc, solutions, tutorials, general stuff, etc. While they may not be dynamic, I was afraid that bookmarking them doesn’t guarantee they’ll be around in the future...say if something changed in the forums, or God forbid, the we lost the forum data. Since I trawl the forums daily if a page I’ve scrapbooked gets updated with informative content, I normally just make a new copy and delete the old one....kinda manual but hey, there you have it. The good thing is that I can always click on the page title on my scrapbook pages to get to the live one. I can even add annotations, highlighting, search within them, etc.....
Interesting that you’ve started this topic coz in the last few days I have been toying with the idea of doing some sort of quick categorized faq for modx covering different facets of modx...you know like a "How do I....?" sort of thing - almost a quick reference guide similar to Bobray’s snippet one at this site. These faq would build on solutions found right here in the forums...I’ll see if I’ll get time for this sometime...
Thx for the topic P!
BobRay - your links don’t work :’(
MODX Staff
- 12,272 Posts
They should now. I did a quick edit to them.
Ryan Thrash, MODX Co-Founder
Follow me on Twitter at @rthrash or catch my occasional unofficial thoughts at thrash.me