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    Without further delay, here’s the next tech preview file. Some of the highlights include:

    • Rich Text editor overhaul thoroughly under way. HTMLarea is deprecated. The latest FCKeditor and TinyMCE are now functioning. More cleanups will be ongoing here.
    • Significant installer improvements.
    • Plugin code now works, including messaging. Look for tutorials from Raymond (xwisdom) here soon!
    • Lots of bug fixes.
    • and plenty more...

    update/note: The installer will perform new installations in addition to updating pretty much any install from a stock, unmodified Etomite 0.6 through all the rc releases or the latest TP1 release. Please keep a backup copy of your files and database prior to hitting the upgrade button on existing live sites, though

    Up next will be to get the bug tracking system online, hopefully by the end of the weekend. We’ll be using Trac, and that will signal our push to the next official release under the real project name with lots of cool surprises in store.

    Future work will consist of continuing code cleanups, consolidation, refactoring and documentation (!), a ground-up rewrite of the manager sans-frames and much lighter code-wise, and much more. Enjoy! laugh

    update: After a brief bout with some conversion-from-phpBB issues, the files should show below for everyone (but Guests) this with a small paperclip icon. Click the name to start downloading. Thanks for your patience.

    Note: Older files removed. For more info about latest downloads, please check announcements.
      Ryan Thrash, MODX Co-Founder
      Follow me on Twitter at @rthrash or catch my occasional unofficial thoughts at thrash.me
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      Click the link below to report any bugs regarding TP2 Files



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        Digging the interwebs for #MODX gems and bringing it to you. modx.link

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