hello guys!
I am new to modex and I find it a bit complicated to learn
the documentation on this site seems a bit too brief
it also seems to assume that you have at least some knowledge of modx, and even development
what is worrying is that it seems to be outdated, it seems to refer to things in modx that are not there anymore or have moved
all the books i've found as well as video tutorials are from years ago
so how do I go about learning this software, like a modx for dummies kind of thing?
Hello Michalis,
Welcome to the MODX forums.
Bob Ray wrote a great book, which although a few years old now is still relevant:
Bob's website is also a great source of information. Bob is very active on these forums and has helped many of us out with both beginners and advanced questions:
Helen Warner and others put this useful resource together:
Mark Hamstra has many useful articles:
Sepia River have some useful information:
The official documentation is always being worked on, but there is still much to do:
The thing that has kept me using MODX is that the forums are so friendly and helpful.
The book is well worth the purchase and still relevant as it discusses the more intricates of 'under the hood' workings of modx rather than specifically 'click here, click there' type of thing. It's also extremely comprehensive so you won't regret it.
I also have a few start tutorials on youtube you could check out