class Event extends xPDOSimpleObject { public function addDate { $date = $this->modx->newObject('eventDate'); $date->set('title', $title); $date->save(); } }
class eventDate extends xPDOSimpleObject { public function addDate { $this->set('title', $title); $this->save(); } }
This question has been answered by multiple community members. See the first response.
$eventDate = $modx->newObject('eventDate'); $eventDate->addDate($title); // assuming $title is supposed to be passed in?
$eventDate = eventDate::addDate($modx, $title);
public static function addDate(modX $modx, $title) { $inst = $modx->newObject('eventDate'); $inst->set('title', $title); $inst->save(); return $inst; }
$sgf = $modx->getService('signfy','Signfy',$modx->getOption('signfy.core_path',null,$modx->getOption('core_path').'components/signfy/').'model/signfy/',$scriptProperties); if (!($sgf instanceof Signfy)) return 'Error'; $signfy = new Signfy($modx, array()); return $signfy->test('test');
<?php class Signfy { public $modx; public $config = array(); public function __construct(modX &$modx,array $config = array()) { $this->modx =& $modx; $basePath = $this->modx->getOption('signfy.core_path',$config,$this->modx->getOption('core_path').'components/signfy/'); $assetsUrl = $this->modx->getOption('signfy.assets_url',$config,$this->modx->getOption('assets_url').'components/signfy/'); $this->config = array_merge(array( 'basePath' => $basePath, 'corePath' => $basePath, 'modelPath' => $basePath.'model/', 'processorsPath' => $basePath.'processors/', 'templatesPath' => $basePath.'templates/', 'chunksPath' => $basePath.'elements/chunks/', 'jsUrl' => $assetsUrl.'js/', 'cssUrl' => $assetsUrl.'css/', 'assetsUrl' => $assetsUrl, 'connectorUrl' => $assetsUrl.'connector.php', ),$config); $this->modx->addPackage('signfy',$this->config['modelPath']); } public function test($title) { return $title; } }
<?php class sgfEvent extends xPDOSimpleObject { public function addEvent($title) { return 'Works'; } }
And now i would like to call a function of the sgfevent.class.php
$event = $modx->getObject('sgfEvent', ['id' => 10]); $event->addEvent('foo bar');
$event = $modx->newObject('sgfEvent'); $event->set('some_field', 'some value'); $event->addEvent('foo bar');