I started installing MODx for some domains. My structure is as follows:
- root (MODx web context) --> mysite.com
- subdomains/members --> members.mysite.com
- core
Changing the structure was no problem, because of the really nice documentation, but I have one problem I couldn't solve on my own:
The regular behavior of the web-context is:
- Show all pages including unpublished pages, if the user is an admin (and logged in, of course).
The behavior of the context, let's call it "members" is:
- If I try to view a page in the frontend while I'm logged in as admin while the page is OFFLINE (site_status of the context = No), I only can view the error page.
- If I try to view a UNPUBLISHED page in the frontend (again, logged in as admin) and the page / context ist ONLINE, I get redirected to the "unauthorized_page"
I already followed the suggestions from
Any ideas?
Thanks for the help!
[ed. note: simonh last edited this post 5 years, 9 months ago.]