Please help, I've updated my pre-production website up to 2.7.1 (2.6.5-2.7.0-2.7.1) version, some packages were updated too.
Suddenly I've noticed broken backend search, here is what I have now:
modx.searchbar.js:291 Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property 'id' of null
at MODx.SearchBar.toggle (modx.searchbar.js:291)
at HTMLAnchorElement.onclick (?a=resource/update&id=6:185)
Did you manage something like it this? If so please let me know what happened and how this can be fixed.
Repeated installations, clear cache, compressed js/css, partly replaced manager and core folder files etc.. all that can't help.
I don't want to roll back to 2.6.5 but if we can't find any solution I have to do that.