In our use case, we're using some folders to hold weblinks for our menus on a site. Weblinks that point to it's own context work fine, but ones that lead to a different context end up outputting nothing initially.
I’ve enabled allow_forward_across_contexts in system settings AND on specific contexts. I tried setting a specific URL Scheme (full)
Only way it worked at all was to set &useWeblinkUrl=`0` and then PDO menu generates a URL to the weblink itself, not the final endpoint.
While this isn't a blocker, I don't like having urls in the menu that look like /menus/left-utility/other-context-link I try and avoid the 301 redirect when possible.
It's funny how when you describe your problem, you stumble onto a possible solution. I'm interested in other's ideas here, but I wonder if I use pdoresources to output just the resource IDs of the end points (we puth those in the weblink content field) and then have pdomenu generate from that if it would work fine.
Because great artists ship, I just moved back to wayfinder.
I did try this below to output the links directly. Everything worked except the cross context weblink, only this time it never output anything, not even the title unlike before.
&resources=` [[pdoResources?&outputSeparator=`,`&parents=`[[++core-menu-utility-left]]`&sortby=`menuindex`&sortdir=`ASC`&includeContent=`1`&tpl=`@INLINE [[+content]]`]]`
&outerClass=`navbar-nav list-inline navbar-left`
For whatever reason PdoMenu will not query multiple contexts, I even tried setting two contexts explicitly.