I have just started using MODX about a week ago and already converted a Drupa 7 site to MODX.
This is amazing 'stuff'.
But: I can not figure out (find) the place to turn labels in SPForm into Danish (or other language) (like "Your name", "Subject" etc).
Any pointing would be much apreciated.
Thanx in advance
It should work to add &language=`da` if you create a Danish translation in the core/components/spform/lexicon/da/ directory.
Just copy the en/ files to da/ and translate the strings.
If you send me a copy of the Danish files, I'll add them to the extra. (PM me for my email address). Be sure to add your name and email in the comments at the top of the files as translator.
You could also do a pull request on the project at GitHub, but sending the files is usually much easier.
Thank you Bob, I will do that.
From errorlog
[2019-02-21 07:09:41] (ERROR in modProcessor::run @ /home3/haurdalhus/public_html/core/model/modx/modprocessor.class.php : 177) Flat file processor support is deprecated since version 2.7.0.
You've misspelled 'name' in your form:
The error message is just a warning about how a processor is written. I don't think it's coming from SPForm. You can turn off that error message by changing the log_deprecated System Setting.
Thanx Bob - what should we do without you.
But - I should have cought that one myself (inspect element) - and be more careful playing around.
All is working fine now.
And once I have translated your module, I am ready for prime time (moving the MODX site over to its proper place (where the Drupal site is)).
I'm glad you got it sorted.