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    • 51916
    • 7 Posts

    I'm completely stuck with using MIGX, as I cannot save a simple test variable.

    My MIGX version 2.12.0-pl
    MODX Revolution 2.7.0-pl

    I've installed MIGX extra, than I've created a tv with the following params:

    name: testmigx


    {"caption":"Info", "fields": [

    Grid Columns:

    {"header": "Title", "width": "160", "sortable": "true", "dataIndex": "title"}

    And when I try to add a text variable I see the following window:

    When I click "Done", I see that there are some errors, but there is no way to understand what's wrong:

    I'm not able to save resource as I receive "Please correct the errors in your form before submitting." on clicking save button.

    Any ideas? Maybe I forgot something?

    This question has been answered by roilen. See the first response.

      • 44064
      • 185 Posts
      There is log_deprecated system setting for 2.7.0, you might turn it off, I'm not sure but maybe this will help?!
        Anton Tarasov
        MODX Developer

        Email: [email protected]
        Web: antontarasov.com
        • 51916
        • 7 Posts
        Quote from: himurovi4 at Jan 31, 2019, 07:49 AM
        There is log_deprecated system setting for 2.7.0, you might turn it off, I'm not sure but maybe this will help?!

        Thanks for the idea, this removed the errors in window, but still there is some issue, preventing from saving a variable.
        • discuss.answer
          • 51916
          • 7 Posts
          Well, the problem solved and has nothing to do with MIGX, somehow my test TV was on "Uncategorized" tab, but there was one more TV that wasn't shown on this tab, but was required to be filled and it was causing error.