Hi all. Please advise what should I do. A couple days ago , my site changed to the https protocol, after that I receive this error action_err_ns. When I run synchronization of data, it proced multiple requests one after another, an amoun of requests is eqaul 600-620, and in one time it complete successfull, and other time may interrupted after any amount of requests. Cache cleared already multple times but didnt help. modx version 2.5.4
I'd suggest using the UpgradeMODX extra to upgrade your site to Version 2.6.0, then 2.6.5 immediately. There are serious security issues in your version and the upgrade might help with the problem.
Be sure the server_protocol System Setting is set to https. You may also need a rewrite rule in .htaccess to make sure all requests are forced to use https.
Also, in the program you're running, a hard-coded 'http' reference (like an image or JS source file) could cause the problem.
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- 3,141 Posts
action_err_ns means the action isn't set (ns = not set). What I suspect has happened is that (POST) requests to a connector is being sent to your HTTP URL, get redirect to HTTPS, and therefore drop their POST data (including the action).
That should be visible in the network tab, and would be fixed by updating where-ever that http url is coming from
After upgrade nothing changed. :-(
Anyway I verified a js code, and within files all links is relative and not absolute
As Mark said, it's likely that some link or 'include' or 'require' in an extra, image, or template, has 'http' hard-coded somewhere. It fails when that code is hit.
Code that loads external libs like JQuery is a common culprit.
You can change the protocol from http:// to just // to fix it.