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    I have an old and quite big website built on MODX 2.2.14. I've been testing if the update to 2.6.5 was possible but that resulted in fatal errors with getResources extra (used on most of the pages), therefore we decided to stay with 2.2.14.

    Apparently, the website got hacked by the global hack that happened in July... Is there any way to amend some of my 2.2.14 files to prevent the hack from happening again? I'm just looking for a solution which would close door for this annoying hack without having to upgrade MODX to 2.6.5
    Thank you.

    This question has been answered by paulp. See the first response.

      • 3749
      • 24,544 Posts
      If you jumped directly to 2.6.5, that might explain the problems. You should upgrade to 2.3.0, then 2.4.0, then 2.5.0, then 2.6.5.

      Once you hit 2.3.0, you should be able to install UpgradeMODX and use it for the rest of the upgrades.
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        • 52061
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        Quote from: BobRay at Oct 22, 2018, 11:06 PM
        If you jumped directly to 2.6.5, that might explain the problems. You should upgrade to 2.3.0, then 2.4.0, then 2.5.0, then 2.6.5.

        Once you hit 2.3.0, you should be able to install UpgradeMODX and use it for the rest of the upgrades.

        I've installed it gradually and the MODX installation is working. It's just getResources extra (which does not have new releases since 2013) creates fatal error on each page where it is used (and it is used pretty much on all pages, so it would be too time consuming to replace it with another extra). That's why I'm looking for a way to keep 2.2.
          • 22840
          • 1,572 Posts
          getResources works fine on 2.6.5, what errors / issues are you getting ?
            • 52061
            • 4 Posts
            Quote from: paulp at Oct 23, 2018, 12:34 PM
            getResources works fine on 2.6.5, what errors / issues are you getting ?

            I'm getting "HTTP error 500" on the frontpage and no relevant errors in the modx error log, which is not helpful. It happens only when getResources has some results. If it doesn't have results, then the page loads fine. I've already checked if the issue is caused by the result template but error 500 appears even with an empty template
            • discuss.answer
              • 22840
              • 1,572 Posts
              That sounds like it could be a permission error, can you check the components folder is presant and has the correct permissions

              Also have you tried ununstalling getResources and then re installing it ( make sure you delete the core/cache content via FTP )
                • 52061
                • 4 Posts
                Quote from: paulp at Oct 23, 2018, 01:13 PM
                That sounds like it could be a permission error, can you check the components folder is presant and has the correct permissions

                Also have you tried ununstalling getResources and then re installing it ( make sure you delete the core/cache content via FTP )

                Great, thanks for the advice! Completely uninstalling and then re-installing getResources did the work. Same method also helped me to fix some smaller issues with other extras