I'm trying to hide this forum posts from the public.
I've changed Allow Guests to NO, which by the description of this setting I believe should make posts visible to only logged in members. I'm still able to view the forum without logging in. Logged out of both the forum and the MODX backend.
MODX 2.5.7
Discuss 1.2
Also receiving these Errors
[2018-10-17 11:30:50] (ERROR @ /public_html/core/xpdo/om/xpdoobject.class.php : 1452) Error 42S02 executing statement:
INSERT INTO `modx_discuss_thread_participants` (`thread`, `user`) VALUES (24, 1)
[0] => 42S02
[1] => 1146
[2] => Table 'database.modx_discuss_thread_participants' doesn't exist
Sure enough this table does not exist
I think this is unrelated to my issue but is another issue in itself.
[ed. note: mandledesign last edited this post 6 years, 3 months ago.]