Hello !!
I am trying to use WayFnder to list the child resoucres of a resource.
The goal is to list Frequent question. The resource is 21 is the FAQ resource and the child resources are the question.
For this, I past the following code in my parent resource:
[[!Wayfinder? &startId=`21` &sortBy=`publishedon` &sortOrder=`ASC` &outerTpl=`outerTplFAQ` &rowTpl=`rowTplFAQ` &level=`3` &hideSubMenus=`0` &hereClass]]
And I created two chuncks
<div class="faq">
All works fine excepted that I want to display the content of the child resource as it's the content of the question.
As [+wf.description]] works, I tried [[+wf.content]], but apparently, it's not an existing placeholder.
How would you suggest me to display the content of the FAQ below the title of the same FAQ?
many thank for your help!