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    • 51916
    • 7 Posts

    I have Gallery 1.7.1-pl and MODX Revolution 2.6.5-pl installed, Ubuntu 18.04 and MySQL 8.0 if it matters.

    So, I've successfully installed Gallery and can upload files, but they do not show up in album view. "No files match the specified filter."

    I've double checked that files do exist in file manager and correctly shown in assets/gallery

    ModX Error log shows the following line when I open the album page in manager:

    [2018-09-21 18:43:18] (ERROR @ /usr/share/nginx/artroilencom/core/xpdo/om/xpdoobject.class.php : 240) Error 42000 executing statement:
    [0] => 42000
    [1] => 1064
    [2] => You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near 'ASC LIMIT 20' at line 4
    This line is for error debug information, nothing to do with the error itself.

    This question has been answered by roilen. See the first response.

      • 49407
      • 159 Posts
      Probably a mySQL compatibility issue. Have you checked to see if there is already a bug report on this? If not, please do. If there is not a bug report, please submit one.

      In the meanwhile try rolling back your mySQL version.

      • discuss.answer
        • 51916
        • 7 Posts
        Well, I tried several other CMS but they are a way worse than MODx, so I've returned to fix this error.

        The problem is in core/components/gallery/processors/mgr/item/getlist.class.php

        Line 10:

        public $defaultSortField = rank';

        There is no rank field, so you need to change the line to:

        public $defaultSortField = AlbumItems.rank';

        Et voila! Hope this helps someone...