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    • 53460
    • 69 Posts
    Not sure exactly how to describe this. Please ask for any clarification.

    I have 3 resource groups that I’m trying to cross reference to end up with a single list from the group.
    1. People
    2. Locations
    3. Services

    Both Locations and Services use random unique ID strings generated in the link_attributes field whereas People does not. I use template variables to assign locations and services to each person and pdoResources to generate lists of said people to show lists of them under both services and locations. Sample below of list of people under locations.
      &tpl =`personTpl`
      &includeTVs=`AttorneyServicesAndIndustries,AttorneyPhoto, AttorneyPrefix, AttorneySuffix, AttorneyTitle, AttorneyMiddleName, AttorneyLastName , AttorneyFirstName, AttorneyBusinessEmail,AttorneyBusinessPhone`

    I need to show a list of all the services only for people at a specific location. I configured a search query within MySQL to pull each person and search for the pagetitles of the corresponding link_attribute and build an alias column in the table with the new string. In the sample below, 160 is the resource id for the San Diego office. The output is displayed in the attached thumbnail. I would need to make this dynamic also based on the resource that is using the template. But that's easy.
        attorney.id AS id,
        tfirstnamevalue.value AS firstname,
        tlastnamevalue.value AS lastname,
        SUBSTRING_INDEX(location_vals.value, "||", 1) location_val,
            SELECT id
            FROM modx_site_content
            WHERE link_attributes = location_val
            LIMIT 1
        ) location_id,
            SELECT pagetitle
            FROM modx_site_content
            WHERE link_attributes = location_val
            LIMIT 1
        ) location_name,
        SUBSTRING(mainservice.value, 1, 2000) service_ids,
        	SELECT GROUP_CONCAT(pagetitle)
            FROM modx_site_content services_table
            WHERE template IN (12,28) AND LOCATE(link_attributes, service_ids)
        ) all_services
        modx_site_content attorney
    	modx_site_tmplvar_contentvalues tfirstnamevalue ON
        tfirstnamevalue.contentid = attorney.id AND tfirstnamevalue.tmplvarid = 68
    	modx_site_tmplvar_contentvalues tlastnamevalue ON
        tlastnamevalue.contentid = attorney.id AND tlastnamevalue.tmplvarid = 69
    	modx_site_tmplvar_contentvalues mainservice ON
        mainservice.contentid = attorney.id AND mainservice.tmplvarid = 81
    	modx_site_tmplvar_contentvalues location_vals ON
        location_vals.contentid = attorney.id AND location_vals.tmplvarid = 82
    	attorney.deleted = 0 AND attorney.published = 1 AND attorney.template IN(16,51) AND (SELECT id FROM modx_site_content WHERE link_attributes = (SUBSTRING_INDEX(location_vals.value, "||", 1)) LIMIT 1) = 160
    	lastname ASC

    I’m stuck at this point. I’m not sure how to build this list in modx, pull the content from the alias column and remove all duplicates to create a dynamic list that can be used on each location page.

    I was thinking that if I could dump those results into one placeholder or something, I could use THAT as my resource that pdoResources or something refers to as its source and just filters out duplicates.

    Any help would be appreciated.

    Thank you!

    This question has been answered by jeffsydor. See the first response.

      • 46886
      • 1,154 Posts
      Seems to me you would first scan the db for the relevant people based on the chosen location.

      Then, I think you will want to take the array (which would be the employee id numbers) and then gather the attributes (Services) for each,

      For each ([name] as Name), get...[attributes]

      then just dump it out into a tpl I guess

      [ed. note: nuan88 last edited this post 5 years, 7 months ago.]
        • 53460
        • 69 Posts
        Unfortunately, I don't even know where to start with what I'm looking for to do that.
          • 46886
          • 1,154 Posts
          Ok let me see if I've got this correct. I think I just changed my mind.

          Here, you just need to insert the dynamic office id number into your script that you posted, right? You said it outputs properly.

          If so, you just need to have a form save the value, then call that value in the script. I was going about it all wrong.

          A simple form can save a value, then you can call that value dynamically in your script.

          The script could be a posthook from the form, if there is no page refresh I believe the value is there.

          Alternatively you could save that to a tv and get the tv value in the form.

          Something like [[+value]] should be available to your code once set without page refresh [ed. note: nuan88 last edited this post 5 years, 7 months ago.]
            • 53460
            • 69 Posts
            I'm hoping that this is even simpler than that.

            When I run this code:
                &tpl=`@INLINE [[+AttorneyServicesAndIndustries]]`

            The MySQL output is this:
                IFNULL(`TVattorneyoffices`.`value`, '') AS `AttorneyOffices`,
                IFNULL(`TVattorneyservicesandindustries`.`value`,'') AS `AttorneyServicesAndIndustries`
                `modx_site_content` AS `modResource`
            LEFT JOIN `modx_site_tmplvar_contentvalues` `TVattorneyoffices` ON
                `TVattorneyoffices`.`contentid` = `modResource`.`id` AND `TVattorneyoffices`.`tmplvarid` = 82
            LEFT JOIN `modx_site_tmplvar_contentvalues` `TVattorneyservicesandindustries` ON
                `TVattorneyservicesandindustries`.`contentid` = `modResource`.`id` AND `TVattorneyservicesandindustries`.`tmplvarid` = 81
                    `TVattorneyoffices`.`value` LIKE '%C0D62CBD-45FC-4392-936B-7165E85084C3%' AND `modResource`.`parent` IN(186, 187, 188) AND `modResource`.`published` = 1 AND `modResource`.`deleted` = 0
            ORDER BY
                modResource.pagetitle ASC
            LIMIT 100

            See the First attachment for this SQL result.

            I do know how to translate the AttorneyServicesAndIndustries selection to their corresponding MODX IDs with the following subquery for AttSI_IDs in MySQL using LOCATE:
                IFNULL(`TVattorneyoffices`.`value`, '') AS `AttorneyOffices`,
                IFNULL(`TVattorneyservicesandindustries`.`value`,'') AS `AttorneyServicesAndIndustries`,
                    modx_site_content services_table
                    template IN(12, 28, 54) AND LOCATE(link_attributes, AttorneyServicesAndIndustries)
                ) AttSI_IDs
                `modx_site_content` AS `modResource`
            LEFT JOIN `modx_site_tmplvar_contentvalues` `TVattorneyoffices` ON
                `TVattorneyoffices`.`contentid` = `modResource`.`id` AND `TVattorneyoffices`.`tmplvarid` = 82
            LEFT JOIN `modx_site_tmplvar_contentvalues` `TVattorneyservicesandindustries` ON
                `TVattorneyservicesandindustries`.`contentid` = `modResource`.`id` AND `TVattorneyservicesandindustries`.`tmplvarid` = 81
                    `TVattorneyoffices`.`value` LIKE '%C0D62CBD-45FC-4392-936B-7165E85084C3%' AND `modResource`.`parent` IN(186, 187, 188) AND `modResource`.`published` = 1 AND `modResource`.`deleted` = 0
            ORDER BY
                modResource.pagetitle ASC
            LIMIT 100

            This returns the second attachment.

            My question right now is, is there a way to instruct pdoResources to insert a subquery following the AttorneyServicesAndIndustries call in SELECT?

            If I can do this, my following pdoResources query would be far easier because I can just use the output of this in my &resources=`` parameter. Even if there are duplicates, it wouldn't list them multiple times in the output.
            • discuss.answer
              • 53460
              • 69 Posts
              So it turns out that this was working all along. The only thing was that for whatever reason, the @INLINE tpl wasn't working. When I put the exact same code into a chunk and referenced THAT as the template, it worked.
                • 46886
                • 1,154 Posts
                Wow great!