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    I have a problem with the rowExpander plugin for MODX Grid:

    If a row is expanded and the grid is refreshed, the expanded row seems to collapse but the [+] sign stays at [-].
    So I tried to collapse all expanded rows before refresh happens.

    This is the part where the rowExpander is defined:

        // A row expander for newsletter grid rows (additional informations)
        this.exp = new Ext.ux.grid.RowExpander({
            tpl: new Ext.Template(nlInfos)
            ,enableCaching: false

    Here is the code part where I'm calling the collapseAll method:

                xtype: 'xcheckbox'
                ,id: 'autorefresh'
                ,name: 'autorefresh'
                ,boxLabel: _('goodnews.newsletter_grid_autorefresh')
                ,description: _('goodnews.newsletter_grid_autorefresh_tooltip')
                ,hideLabel: true
                ,ctCls: 'gon-checkbox-toggle'
                ,inputValue: 1
                ,listeners: {
                    'check': function(cbx,checked){

    The problem is - if I call the collapseAll method I get the following error in console log:

    Uncaught TypeError: this.exp.collapseAll is not a function
        at GoodNews.grid.Newsletters.collapseAll (modx.grid.js:512)
        at GoodNews.grid.Newsletters.check (newsletters.panel.js:270)
        at h.Event.fire (ext-all.js:21)
        at S.fireEvent (ext-all.js:21)
        at S.setValue (ext-all.js:21)
        at S.setValue (utilities.js:509)
        at S.onClick (ext-all.js:21)
        at HTMLInputElement.I (ext-all.js:21)

    I had a look at the code in modx.grid.js

        ,collapseAll: function() {
            if (!this.exp) return false;
            this.exp.collapseAll(); <--- this line throws an error!
            return true;

    Any hint on how to solve this?
    Could this be a bug in MODXExt?

      Freelancer @bitego http://www.bitego.com
      GoodNews - one of the most advanced and integrated Group Mailer premium add-ons for MODX Revolution!
      More infos here: http://www.bitego.com/extras/goodnews/
      • 1251 ☆ A M B ☆
      • 45 Posts
      Indeed. It is a bug. I found out this commit https://github.com/Alroniks/revolution/commit/26583acc454bf85f0f28d53005fa8012984b7a98

      It explains the issue. In removed strings method exists in the news - no.
        Alroniks experts
        MODX Ambassador | MODX Professional

        alroniks.com | [email protected] | +375 33 638 10 92 (Belarus)
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        • 1251 ☆ A M B ☆
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        I created issue about it on GitHub - https://github.com/modxcms/revolution/issues/13989
          Alroniks experts
          MODX Ambassador | MODX Professional

          alroniks.com | [email protected] | +375 33 638 10 92 (Belarus)
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          • 10378
          • 375 Posts
          Thank you Ivan!

          There is another bug too (which was the initial reason I tried the collapseAll method):

          If a row is expanded and the grid is refreshed, the expanded row seems to collapse but the [+] sign stays at [-].

          Expected behavior:

          The row should stay expanded on grid refresh and the rowExpander content should be refreshed too.

          I also filed an issue at GitHub: https://github.com/modxcms/revolution/issues/13991

            Freelancer @bitego http://www.bitego.com
            GoodNews - one of the most advanced and integrated Group Mailer premium add-ons for MODX Revolution!
            More infos here: http://www.bitego.com/extras/goodnews/