Quote from: nuan88 at Jul 03, 2018, 12:17 PM
Do you think you would have a Brazil section with subpages and other contents? Or just a Brazil page with pretty much all the Brazil stuff all there?
More than 20 countries. For example all of Latin/South America, + some Europe + some of what are called "Ancient Coins". These include the pre-Roman civilizations like Ionian Greece, Persia, the Sea Peoples, ancient Israel, etc; Civs existing at the same time as the Romans, like Carthage & Egypt, + the Roman Republic + Empire. These can't be sorted by country as they include cities, kingdoms, and empires. I was thinking of using a historical time slider.
On Brazil alone, there are 3 or 4 major divisions. If you think of web pages these would fill 3 pages each about 20" long by the usual 8.5" wide. For most of it's life Brazil was a colony of Portugal: this is the colonial era, 1694* - 1816/1822. Then Brazil existed as an Independent Empire from 1822-1889 when the Republic was Declared. The Brazilian Republic dates from 1889 - present. I show coinage dating from 1696 but am open to others sending in contributing photos which we can research historically. There were also 2 small civil wars; one called the Constitutionalist War of 1932, which made coins. Since this deals with really the economic history note that Brazil is on it's 9th currency: the rest having hyperinflated. A lot of this stuff you can't even find on Wikipeadia and few of the coins are shown.
All of the country pages have sub-pages which are html pages that hold the larger format pix and possibly animations. You click on a small pix in one of the Table cells to go there. I use the html id or name function to return to the orig place in the table.
Overall the site is an informational only site. However, it uses a huge # of very similar pix like an 1816-R silver dollar, an 1816-M silverdollar, etc; this is where WordPress with it's "sort pictures by thumbnail" proved to be totally hopeless. I don't sell stuff; thus it makes no profit so I want to control consultant costs. Also I hide my identity on the site as I don't want robbers thinking I have coins at home looking me up. That's why I didn't mention the url previously.
*Brazil dates from not 1694 but 1500, however, the regular mint started in 1694.
[ed. note: julius nepos last edited this post 6 years, 2 months ago.]