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    • 268 Posts

    I wanna add a slide inactivation/activation 'button' ( a slide show built with getimageList from Migx TVs)
    This is used to manually manage some slide, their caption a side text, etc. for some pages.
    My last try is done with a radio button
    the diapo_active TV is defined:

    default value = 1
    and "optionnal"

    the chunk of the slide show is:
    (2 &where clause tests tries at the bottom)
    <div class="container">			       
      <!-- Carousel items -->   
      <ul class="bxslider"> 
      [[-  &where=`{"property.act_diapo:=":"checked"}` 

    Everything has been ok for years, but as soon as I try to add some where condition in the call, the div is empty and no more slide show.

    Here's the part of the TV definition:
    {"caption":"Texte", "fields": [
        {"field":"title_diapo","caption":"Titre H4"},
        {"field":"text_diapo","caption":"Légende Diapo","inputTV":"diapo_caption"}
    {"caption":"Diapo", "fields":[
        {"field":"alt_diapo","caption":"Alt Diapo","inputTV":"diapo_alt"},
        {"field":"act_diapo","caption":"Diapo active","inputTV":"diapo_active"}

    And the grid
    {"header": "Titre", "width": "100", "sortable": "true", "dataIndex": "title_diapo"},
    {"header": "Caption", "width": "350", "sortable": "false", "dataIndex": "text_diapo"},
    {"header": "Image", "width": "280", "sortable": "false", "dataIndex": "la_diapo","renderer": "this.renderImage"},
    {"header": "Alt image", "width": "100", "sortable": "false", "dataIndex": "alt_diapo"},
    {"header": "Active", "width": "200", "sortable": "false", "dataIndex": "act_diapo"}

    What could be wrong with the &where clause??
    thank you [ed. note: elz064 last edited this post 5 years, 10 months ago.]
      • 36604
      • 268 Posts
      the solution seams to be not to use 'property' prefix in the where clause:


      did the job.