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    • 26503
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    I have a listbox type formtab working just fine, it adds/edits etc from the popup form:

              "inputOptionValues":"@EVAL return 'Choose Category==||' . $modx->runSnippet('migxLoopCollection',array('packageName'=>'projects','classname'=>'ProjectCategory','tpl'=>'@CODE:[[+category]]==[[+id]]','outputSeparator'=>'||'));",

    So you can see it's getting it's options from a database table:

    <object class="ProjectCategory" table="bigblock_project_category" extends="xPDOSimpleObject">
            <field key="category" dbtype="char" precision="50" phptype="string" null="false" />   
            <field key="sort" dbtype="int" precision="10" phptype="integer" null="false" default="0" /> 
            <aggregate alias="Project" class="Project" local="id" foreign="category" cardinality="many" owner="local" default="0" />   

    this works great - shows the options - everything is happy.

    Now, I found a couple articles & posts on how to render the name of the category (rather than it's id) in the migx grid view column, seems straight forward.


    I need the Category in the grid column view to be a listbox (select field) that is editable from the grid.

    How is that done?

    So somehow this is now "kind of" working if I use the joined class_field as the column field name, and it shows the category name in the grid view - great... HOWEVER, if I click/double click on the item the drop down list is blank. If I change "dataIndex":"ProjectCategory_category", to "dataIndex":"category", the drop down list is correctly populated AND I can change/edit the items (and verify they are correct in the database)
          "header":"Project Category",

    So one step further, all I need now is to know how to render the category name correctly AND have the listbox correctly populated. [ed. note: sean69 last edited this post 5 years, 10 months ago.]
      *** Not just websites, we also create signage, banners, print, trade show displays and more! ***

      Sean Kimball CLP, CLS.
      Technical Director / Sr. Developer | BigBlock Studios
      Bigblock Studios http://www.bigblockstudios.ca Web site design & development.
      27-1300 King Street East. Box 167 Oshawa, Ontario L1H8J4 Canada.
      phone/fax: 905-426-5525
      • 54344
      • 2 Posts
      Change field key "category" in DB, for example on "sub_category".
      <object class="ProjectCategory" table="bigblock_project_category" extends="xPDOSimpleObject">
          <field key="sub_category" dbtype="char" precision="50" phptype="string" null="false" />   
          <field key="sort" dbtype="int" precision="10" phptype="integer" null="false" default="0" /> 
          <aggregate alias="Project" class="Project" local="id" foreign="category" cardinality="many" owner="local" default="0" />   

      And accordingly change "[[+category]]" here:
      "inputOptionValues":"@EVAL return 'Choose Category==||' . $modx->runSnippet('migxLoopCollection',array('packageName'=>'projects','classname'=>'ProjectCategory','tpl'=>'@CODE:[[+sub_category]]==[[+id]]','outputSeparator'=>'||'));",

      And finally
            "header":"Project Category",
            "renderchunktpl":'[[migxLoopCollection? &packageName=`projects` &classname=`ProjectCategory` &where=`{"id":"[[+category]]"}` tpl=`@CODE:[[+sub_category]]`]]',

        • 54344
        • 2 Posts
        And don't forget to rename the field "category" to "sub_category" in the table "bigblock_project_category".
          • 26503
          • 620 Posts
          I actually did solve this by using a chunk in the renderchunk template for the category column:

          [[!projects? &function=`getListBoxOption` &alias=`ProjectCategory` &object_id=`[[+ProjectCategory_id]]`php &return=`category`]]

          It just calls a snippet that loads my projects class & passes the scriptproperties to it...

          public function getListBoxOption($scriptProperties){
          	$output = '';
          	$alias = (isset($scriptProperties['alias'])) ? $scriptProperties['alias'] : FALSE;
          	$object_id = (isset($scriptProperties['object_id'])) ? $scriptProperties['object_id'] : FALSE;
          	$return_column = (isset($scriptProperties['return_column'])) ? $scriptProperties['return_column'] : FALSE;
          	if(!$alias || !$object_id || !$return_column){ 
          		return 'Missing object parameters.'; 
          	$option = $this->modx->getObject($alias, $object_id);
          		return $option->get($return_column);
          		return ' No options found.';
            *** Not just websites, we also create signage, banners, print, trade show displays and more! ***

            Sean Kimball CLP, CLS.
            Technical Director / Sr. Developer | BigBlock Studios
            Bigblock Studios http://www.bigblockstudios.ca Web site design & development.
            27-1300 King Street East. Box 167 Oshawa, Ontario L1H8J4 Canada.
            phone/fax: 905-426-5525