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    • 19339
    • 6 Posts
    For their web site, a client is running ModX revo 2.5.7 (will be 2.6 shortly).
    In a subdomain they have an e-learning application that needs upgrading.
    The required settings for the upgraded e-learning database are:
    server collation: utf8mb4_unicode_ci and a MariaDB with inno db file format that is set to "barracuda".
    As such an overall Sql change will also affect the database used by MOdX, my question is whether
    ModX revo 2.5.7 and/or 2.6 are compatible with the sql settings described above.

    //If utf8mb4 and barracuda file format are incompatible with modx I will need to move the e-learning environment to a separate (and vps hosted) domain.

    Thanks in advance,