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  • PHP 5.6 is Approaching its End of Life this Year

    December 31, 2018 marks the official end of security support for PHP 5.6, this means there will be no further updates to the software. PHP 7.0 was released in December 2015 and PHP 7.1 was released December of 2016.

    What This Change Means For You
    Most MODX users and site owners will have no issues with PHP 7 if they run at least MODX 2.5.2 or Evo CMS 1.4.0 (formerly MODX Evolution) or later versions. For MODX Cloud customers, we're ending PHP 5.6 support on July 1, 2018.

    Reasons people might have issues with PHP 7 include:
    • Outdated MODX Revolution or other software
    • MODX Extras or software add-ons/Plugins not updated or unsupported
    • Custom code that requires updating
    • If you’re using other software alongside MODX, most applications today should be compatible with PHP 7.1 which was first released in December of 2016.

    How to Prepare for PHP 7
    Most MODX users will hav no issues with PHP 7. You may just need to upgrade to the lates version of MODX Revolution. For MODX Cloud customers we’ve created a Support Article to guide customers through the move to PHP 7.1.

    Need Help Getting Ready?
    For site owners who are unsure about how to get their site ready for the upcoming changes, we advise you to contact your developer or designer. If you’ve lost contact with your developer or designer, you can find a local MODX Professional to assist. [ed. note: smashingred last edited this post 5 years, 11 months ago.]
      Author of zero books. Formerly of many strange things. Pairs well with meats. Conversations are magical experiences. He's dangerous around code but a markup magician. BlogTwitterLinkedInGitHub

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