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    Hello, I have come upon an interesting problem.

    My registration process is all working well, the random password and username are delivered to the user, but while the snippet is generating a new password which is sent my email with a confirmation link, when I remove the password completely from my form, something goes wrong and the user is not registered and the email isn't sent.

    This is the code that I want to cut but can't, its just the password for registration.

    <li"><label for="password">[[%register.password]]
                <span class="error">[[!+reg.error.password]]</span>
            <input type="password" name="password" id="password" value="[[!+reg.password]]" />

    The input itself doesn't matter as a new password gets generated anyway, and its confusing for my users for them to put in a password and then have it changed like that.

    Can login register a user without a password? Or could I possibly fix this field with some string? Its going to be overwritten anyway...then I could hide it from the user completely.

    Seems like a weird problem, I couldn't find anything in searching.

    This question has been answered by BobRay. See the first response.

    • discuss.answer
      • 3749
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      Does making it a hidden field work?
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        • 46886
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        I can hide it but it can't be empty, throws an error

        Could I use an output modifier...wait I got it!

             <li style="border-bottom:1px dashed #7e7e7e;"><label for="password">[[%register.password]]
                    <span class="error">[[!+reg.error.password]]</span>
                <input type="hidden" name="password" id="password" value="[[!+reg.password:default=`12345678`]]]]" />

        just set a default value and hide the input!

        Thanks BobRay, you've done it again!

        [ed. note: nuan88 last edited this post 6 years ago.]
          • 3749
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          You're welcome. smiley
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