☆ A M B ☆
- 106 Posts
I know. But still no luck. It must be something with the contexts I added to this site.
What is your templates base href set to? Is it cached or uncached?
Does it generate a forward slash at the end of the url.
I can't remember where but I read of a similar contexts/formit problem where the base not having a forward slash at the end caused the problem. I might be remembering incorrectly though!
☆ A M B ☆
- 106 Posts
<base href="[[!++site_url]]" />
I had to revert all sites back to Formit 3.0.4 after seeing errors in the log. I have not had any time to figure out why either.
So PHP is not the problem. The new version of FormIt has trouble with older versions of PHP.
For testing purposes try redirecting to a page that exists in the same context as the form. Have you also tried sending the forms to a different email address using a different client ? Make sure your email from domain is also one you have authority to send from (DKIM)
☆ A M B ☆
- 106 Posts
I did all that. The form works fine in a completely different website. I am pretty clueless what's wrong here.
My guess is it must have something to do with the contexts.