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    Revo 2.6.2

    I'm trying to use Profile to grab an extended user field (created with ClassExtender) named "screenName" in a Resource Template (not a Chunk).

    The "screenName" should reflect the user who created the Resource and not the signed-in user.
        &else=`Name: <a href="[[~20? &author=`[[*createdby]]`]]" rel="author">

    No output.

    This question has been answered by BobRay. See the first response.

    [ed. note: todd.b last edited this post 6 years, 8 months ago.]
    • discuss.answer
      • 3749
      • 24,544 Posts
      Try putting this above your code:

      [[!setUserPlaceholders? &userId=`[[*createdby`]]

      Then just use this for the screen name:

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        • 40088
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        Thanks Bob, but it still returns the signed-in user, not the author.
          • 3749
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          I can't explain that. Are you sure you used &userId and not &userID?
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            Bob, I got it sorted out (I think).

            There was a typo in setUser. Here's what works,
            [[!setUserPlaceholders? &userId=`[[*createdby]]`]]

            Thank you.

            By the way, when using your example in a Chunk vs. a Template (which works fine) the same problem happens with the name of the signed-in user showing instead of the author.

            Why do Chunks and Templates behave differently with regard to this?

            [ed. note: todd.b last edited this post 6 years, 8 months ago.]
              • 3749
              • 24,544 Posts
              If it's a chunk pulled in with getResources or something similar, you'd have to use this:


              and hope that the snippet sets that placeholder correctly.

              If it's pulled in from a regular chunk tag, try this:


              I'm not sure it will work.

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                Thanks, Bob.

                I fixed it, though I still don't understand why it works. The whole when-to-use "cached" or "uncached" is still a mystery to me.

                In the template I changed


                And the "Results" tpl contains:
                [[!setUserPlaceholders? &userId=`[[+createdby]]`]][[+screenName]]

                works as expected. [ed. note: todd.b last edited this post 6 years, 8 months ago.]