Tell me please, if there are components\Add-ons for sending birthday greetings to users, which take a date from the user profile in modx revolution? Thanx
You would have a custom field for the birthdate, probably in the user registration process, and you could have a plugin that runs to check the user database and match with today's date, then send out the email, where you can make the email template and control all the info in there and the style of it and so on.
There is probably an Extra that can do it even more easily, let's wait for more feedback.
So, sure! Absolutely and its not too hard to implement tbh
FYI, there's already a 'dob' field in the user profile for "date of birth". I'm pretty sure it holds a Unix timestamp which is converted to a human-readable date when retrieved.
Sending the birthday message is relatively easy. Picking an event to trigger the check is more complicated, as is making sure you only send one email to each user.