Hi! I'm using pdoMenu to get hierarchical structured content from my ressources
[[pdoMenu?&parents=`55`&showHidden=`1` &level=`2`&includeTVs=`Bild`&tplOuter=`wf_uebernachten_outer` &tpl=`wf_uebernachten_tpl` &tplInner=`wf_uebernachten_inner`]]
With the $tpl='wf_uebernachten_tpl' it try to get only child ressources because the next level ressources under parent 55 have only the group headings (pagetitle).
I tried different things and got the number of the children out by
<h4 class="title">[[+pagetitle]]</h4><div class="range range-20">[[+children]]</div>
within the &tpl `wf_uebernachten_tpl`But what I want is not the number of the children but the ressources content in use by $tplInner (wf_uebernachten_inner).
I didnt find that in the pdoMenu documentation.
Does anybody know?