[[!QuipReply? &thread=`[[*pagetitle]]` &preHooks=`recaptchav2` &closeAfter=`0` &tplAddComment=`quipAddComment_recaptchaV2` &moderate=`1` ]]
[[!recaptchav2_render]] <span class="quip-error"> [[!+error.recaptchav2_error]]</span>
This question has been answered by dubbs. See the first response.
You might try this, in case it's a cache issue:
It shouldn't matter, since the snippet that sets the placeholder is called uncached (right?), but it's worth a try.
Error: Class 'quipComment_mysql' not found in core\xpdo\xpdo.class.php on line 783
I gave it a shot with several different methods, but kept coming up against this:
Error: Class 'quipComment_mysql' not found in core\xpdo\xpdo.class.php on line 783
[[!QuipReply? &thread=`myThread`