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    • 37523
    • 141 Posts
    I am using MODX v2.6.1 and am having a lot of trouble accessing and toggling the Rich Text checkbox under Settings for Resources. I have tried to do this within Chrome, Firefox and Safari on a mac along with Edge on Win10.

    Is this a known bug or something specific to my setup?

    The install is fresh. I have tried the following:
    - clear browser cache
    - delete cache within the core folder
    - able to replicate the issue within multiple browsers on mac and pc

    Many thanks in advance,

    This question has been answered by markh. See the first response.

      Glyn Szasz
      Sydney, Australia

      Happy to help (when can) and happy to learn

      If you are a Sydney based MODX developer would love to hear from you. Please contact me.
      • 17301
      • 932 Posts
      Do you mean that you can't even click on the settings tab or that you're having trouble checking the box? Or that it's just not taking effect? It would be worth checking your browser console log for any js errors.
        ■ email: [email protected] | ■ website: https://alienbuild.uk

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        • 52064
        • 120 Posts
        This is the procedure that I perform:

        remove or put the check
        save the resource
        reload the page (F5)

        it is essential to reload the page because the save does not update the content
          FerX - Developer at Eracom s.r.l.
          • 37523
          • 141 Posts
          @LK I am not having any issues clicking and getting to the Settings tab. I am having issues clicking on the checkbox for Rich Text, Searchable and Container. It is almost as if there is some invisible item over the top of the items

          @ferx77 Yes you have described the exact method I use for updating resources. In this case it does not seem to be working.


          Interestingly, if I half the height of my browser window I can access the check boxes without any problem. It seems that there maybe an issue when changing tabs. I have noticed this on a screen that is 1920x1200 with the browser at full screen height. Any body else notice this behaviour.

          Within the javascript console (this is within Safari 11.03 on Mac OS X 10.11.6) there seems to be the following errors

          [Error] Failed to load resource: the server responded with a status of 404 (Not Found) (/manager/assets/modext/modx.jsgrps-min.js.map, line 0)
          [Error] Failed to load resource: the server responded with a status of 404 (Not Found) (/assets/components/versionx/connector.php, line 0)

          [Error] TypeError: this.mask.addClass is not a function. (In 'this.mask.addClass("fade-in")', 'this.mask.addClass' is undefined)
          onShow (modx.jsgrps-min.js:4:17887)
          afterShow (ext-all.js:21:375934)
          show (ext-all.js:21:375358)
          show (ext-all.js:21:387130)
          onAjaxException (modx.js:122)
          fire (ext-all.js:21:3705)
          fireEvent (ext-all.js:21:693)
          handleFailure (ext-all.js:21:51291)
          f (ext-base.js:21:18146)
          m (ext-base.js:21:18304)
          (anonymous function) (ext-base.js:21:8610)

          Fixed the problem by disabling VersionX which seems to be having problems.

          I have sent a email to the author of VersionX to see if he can shed any light on the issue.

          [ed. note: glynszasz last edited this post 6 years, 11 months ago.]
            Glyn Szasz
            Sydney, Australia

            Happy to help (when can) and happy to learn

            If you are a Sydney based MODX developer would love to hear from you. Please contact me.
          • discuss.answer
            • 18373 ☆ A M B ☆
            • 3,141 Posts
            You should look into why you're getting a 404 on assets/components/versionx/connector.php. Could be file permissions on that specific file or the directories leading up to its location, the file actually not being there, or something in your htaccess blocking it. Possibly even mod security, but that's a bit of a stretch in this case.

            The ajax request returning html (404 page) instead of the expected json is bubbling up an error that may stop other javascript from executing, causing the mask to not be found/not being hidden.
              Mark Hamstra • Developer spending his days working on Premium Extras and a MODX Site Dashboard with the ability to remotely upgrade MODX and extras to make the MODX world a little better.

              Tweet me @mark_hamstra, check my infrequent blog at markhamstra.com, my slightly more frequent ramblings at MODX.today or see code at Github.
              • 37523
              • 141 Posts
              @markh Many thanks for your help Mark. It was indeed a permission issue. It seems that the assets directory had the incorrect permissions. I reset them to be 755 (same as the manager) and all seems to be working as expected.
                Glyn Szasz
                Sydney, Australia

                Happy to help (when can) and happy to learn

                If you are a Sydney based MODX developer would love to hear from you. Please contact me.