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    • 24629
    • 370 Posts
    I've created custom tables with Bob's guides (https://bobsguides.com/custom-db-tables.html) and that works fine. my class is called 'Vote'

    Now i want to remove/delete the whole collection (votes) in that custom table using
    $modx->removeCollection( 'vote', array() );

    But that does not seem to work. in the error log i see
    Could not get table name for class: vote

     xPDO->removeCollection - Error deleting vote instances using query DELETE FROM  

    I did do the addpackage on top of my script and that works fine
    $modx->addPackage( 'vote', $path . 'model/', 'lhm_' );

    anyone know what i'm doing wrong? or is removeCollection not meant for custom classes?


    This question has been answered by BobRay. See the first response.

    • discuss.answer
      • 3749
      • 24,544 Posts
      Did you try this:


      The existence of the second argument may be confusing things.

      Also try 'Vote' instead of 'vote'.

      Check the return value of addPackage(). It will be empty if it fails.

      If everything else fails, you can try this:

      $votes = $modx->getCollection('Vote');
      if (empty($votes) || count($votes) < 1) {
         return 'failed to get votes';
      } else {
         foreach ($votes as $vote) {

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        • 24629
        • 370 Posts
        Hi, the capital V was the culprit