I'm not sure this will help, but here's how I did it:
The &parents property could be set to any parent.
This is using a MIGX configuration to pull from, thats why it's using pdoResouces rather than getResources. The feed has been working for over a year until the recent Modx updates. I did try using your method of getResources, which removes the error but the feed still doesn't work.
Got the error to go away by placing a bang! in front of pdoResources. Unfortunately, the feed still doesn't want to pull data from the Migx configuration.
☆ A M B ☆
- 427 Posts
You could try spiefeed in the repository. It always worked for me.
For web searchers researching this error:
I found a more trivial cause for this error, we had a chunk that an updater person had copied in wrong: [[$chunkname?value=`something`]
They'd left off the closing ]. That then tripped a huge modx error log, with all the rest of the page template html logged, and of course, nothing after that error printed in the html of the page.
Finding this is very difficult, I was very lucky because the rest of the template html contained a pointer in the html to which page it was, otherwise I would never have been able to find it.
[ed. note: lizardx last edited this post 6 years, 6 months ago.]
I wonder if this would cause the same problem:
[[$chunkname?value=`something`] ]
I just mentally wrote a check that would test the page and chunk content for these:
if (substr_count($content, '[[') !== substr_count($content, ']]') {
/* Error */
If I find time, maybe I'll build it into SiteCheck.