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    • 53877
    • 18 Posts
    Greetings again Modx Community! I come with a question that hopefully can be answered - I've researched everywhere and found no detailed answers.

    I am asking if there's any way to have a user enter in their Company Name, Full Name, Email, and Phone number to be able to download resources from our page. After they enter the information once, they are allowed to come back and download without having to enter the information again. The information entered is for the sales team to have.

    Any help is appreciated - thanks again!

    This question has been answered by BobRay. See the first response.

    • discuss.answer
      • 3749
      • 24,544 Posts
      The usual way to do that is to have users register through a form that requires that information, store the information, then hide the download links or the download pages from people who are not logged in. The user's won't have to give the information again, but they will have to log in unless you have "remember me" built into the login form.

      You can use the Register snippet (part of the Login package) to register people. There is also the Subscribe extra, which wraps the Register snippet and optionally lets you store user preferences/interests and let users choose user groups to belong join.
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