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    • 42560
    • 49 Posts
    Hi, how can i access the param send from a chunk and use it inside a it, using getresources

    have the *idRelacionados checking for existing ids from a TPLVAR(idRelacionados)

    [[*idRelacionados:is=``:then=``:else=`[[$Rel-Medicinas? &idRelacionados=`[[*idRelacionados]]`]]` ]]

    if exist, i call the chunk and pass it the ids

    [[+idRelacionados]]   <!--This is fine, just a list of id-->
    	  <ul class="ID-Rel-Med">
    	  	[[!getResources? &parents=`-1` &resources=`[[+idRelacionados]]` &tpl=`@INLINE <li><a href="[[+uri]]">[[+pagetitle]]</a></li>` &depth=`1` &sortdir=`ASC` &limit=`6`]]

    i was expecting to see the &resources filled with the ids, since [[+idRelacionados]] is fine until this line of comment, but it doesnt work when i call if from getresources, do i need to change the INLINE for a tpl chunk?


    This question has been answered by Bruno17. See the first response.

    • discuss.answer
      • 4172
      • 5,888 Posts
      you don't need this chunk-construct at all.
      try to call in like that in your template:

          &tpl=`@INLINE <li><a href="[[+uri]]">[[+pagetitle]]</a></li>` 

      in your wrapperTpl have:

      <ul class="ID-Rel-Med">

      And I don't see, why you would need it uncached. So I called it cached.


        you can buy me a beer, if you like MIGX


        • 42560
        • 49 Posts
        Quote from: Bruno17 at Dec 15, 2017, 04:41 PM
        you don't need this chunk-construct at all.
        try to call in like that in your template:

            &tpl=`@INLINE <li><a href="[[+uri]]">[[+pagetitle]]</a></li>` 

        in your wrapperTpl have:

        <ul class="ID-Rel-Med">

        And I don't see, why you would need it uncached. So I called it cached.


        Thank you so much, it works. i havent used [[+output]] before XD