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    • 2 Posts
    Hi all,
    I have a simple blog section with a simple commenting system. I've used the QUIP snippet to create the commenting system.
    As described in the documentation, I placed the QUIP snippet call in the template of the blog post.
    The snippet is working and users are able to post comments. Editors can approve, modify or unapprove commets. Everything seems work fine except that the comments approved are visible not only on the post page where they have been published, but in every post of the entire blog section. Is there a way to avoid this? I want comments showing only on the post page where they should be, not in every post page of the blog. Please help! Thank you in advance.

    Here follows the snippet call that I used:
    <div class="single__post single__comment">
    			    <div class="single__post-title">
    			        <div class="comments-head">
    			            <h2 class="cinzel grey-kapalua">Comentarios</h2>
    			            <img src="blog-img/baloons.gif" alt="comentarios icon" align="right" />
    			        <div id="comments" class="post-comments">
                                           [[ !Quip? &thread=`LeedsThread` &threaded=`0` &useCss=`0`]]
    			<div class="single__post single__comment" id="post__form-container">
    				<div class="single__post-title">
    					<div class="comments-head">
    						<h2>Post a comment</h2>
    					[[ !QuipReply? 	&thread=`LeedsThread` &moderate=`1`]]

    I'm not using "ARTICLES". I set up the blog page as a "COLLECTION" using the Collection plugin.